
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Episode 17: Gordon Robb - @FatOldClimber
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
I bet you follow this guy on Instagram and didn't even know it. Yes Robert get the chance to sit down with the social media giant that is Gordon Robb, or as he's affectionately known @FatoldClimber
Gordons passion for climbing is addictive, but his clarity on what climbing is to him and what it can offer others is refreshing. Here we get deep into the meaning of climbing and find out more about the journey that Gordon has been on and why the 100 honest Instagram is helping. If you don't already follow this guy, go ahead and check him out, but first, sit back and enjoy with Gordon Robb.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Episode 16: Kev Howett - "It came over his head and he got completely glubbed"
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Calum sits down with Mountaineering Scotland's very own Kevin Howett.
From humble beginnings in Northumberland, not knowing how to open a screw gate carabiner, to becoming one of Scotland's most prolific trad new routers. Kev has got plenty a tale to tell, new routing in the golden era of Glen Nevis trad with Dave Cuthbertson and Gary Latter, mastering the dark art of 'glubbing' on sea cliffs and a peak into Kev's own ethics around climbing.

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
ScotRock has returned after a small break, and we are kicking of with a personal favourite.
Robert managed to sit down with personal hero and friend Willie Gorman. As modest as he is, growing up climbing with some of Scottish Mountaineering's biggest names, Willie is a legend in his own right. His love and passion for climbing and teaching has inspired countless people over the years to follow his footsteps and love climbing. A Willie Gorman introduction course or coaching master class is a special thing and an inspiration to fellow instructors.
Now at the age of 76 Willie obviously has a few tales to tell, so Robert sat the man himself down to hear some of his best. Grab a cuppa and take a trip back to the 50s climbing with a young lad from Glasgow and his washing line.

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Episode 14: Myrtle Simpson - Part 2: A climber in the arctic
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Part 2
This week on the podcast Robert had the honour is sitting down with one of Scotlands greatest mountaineers and famous polar explorer, Myrtle SimpsonWorking in Fort William and climbing with Scottish mountaineering legends like Hamish Macinnes, Mick Tighe, and Ian Sykes, she has been on expeditions across the world doing first ascents of massive peaks. She then went on to be the first woman to cross over Greenland and an attempt at the first to reach the North pole.
It was also her 90th birthday when we recorded this, so please leave us a comment with all the birthday wishes and we will pass it on.

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Episode 13: Myrtle Simpson - Part 1: A climber in the arctic
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Part 1
This week on the podcast Robert had the honour is sitting down with one of Scotlands greatest mountaineers and famous polar explorer, Myrtle SimpsonWorking in Fort William and climbing with Scottish mountaineering legends like Hamish Macinnes, Mick Tighe, and Ian Sykes, she has been on expeditions across the world doing first ascents of massive peaks. She then went on to be the first woman to cross over Greenland and an attempt at the first to reach the North pole.
It was also her 90th birthday when we recorded this, so please leave us a comment with all the birthday wishes and we will pass it on.

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Episode 12: Calum McBain - The socially inept climber
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Time to get to know your host Calum McBain.
Calum is a new school climber with an old school climbing mentality. An awesome all round climber, thats come from climbing intensive beginnings, to working in climbing and having an epic climbing family.
Grab a cuppa and sit down with Me and Calum as we get to know your hosts

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Episode 11: Robert Mackenzie - “The Couch Crusher"
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Covid-19 has forced us to scrape the bottom of the Scottish climbing barrel, this week we bring you Scotrock's own, Robert Mackenzie. From humble beginnings climbing at Duntelchaig with a home-made seatbelt harness, to competing for Team GB, to now giving something back to the climbing community through his work at ClimbScotland.
Sit down and enjoy the full low-down with Robert.
(Apologies for a slightly abrupt end - a slight mic error on Calum's part!)

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Episode 10: The Controversial Panel Show with Rebekah Drummond and Robbie Phillips
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Brace yourself for this one.
This week Robert and Calum sit down with Rebekah Drummond and Robbie Phillips for a deep and controversial chat about some hot topics in the climbing world.Is the onsight the purest form of climbing?Should indoor climbing stop being compared to outdoor climbing?Should we replace old pegs with bolts?Do we require video evidence for every ascent?We give our honest opinion and argue it out to put some of these topics to bed. If you have a strong opinion on any of these topics let us know. Robert@Mountaineering.scot & Calum@Mountaineering.scot