
Friday May 27, 2022
Episode 25: Rebekah Drummond - Skye Wall and poopy ropes
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
ScotRock returns, and we are coming in all guns blazing!
Rebekah Drummond, you may know that name. She's been on the podcast before, she is an incredible climber, awesome human and always has the best chat for podcasts. But this one is just that little bit special.
Fresh off a mega strong climbing year, Rebekah is possibly the definition of a Scottish Local Hero. Maybe not the first name on people’s minds as one of the strongest climbers in Scotland, but Rebekah has 2 decades worth of climbing experience and some pretty big sends on her tick list already. In this interview we chat about her epic send of Skye Wall (E7 6b), climbing, kids and a good sprinkling of hilarious stories.

Friday May 07, 2021
Episode 24: Dan Arnold - The Trig Master
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Dan Arnold is a super keen hillwalker who has ventured into the world of climbing, in the most extreme way!
Robert sat down with Dan and got the run down on his full 282 round, his new project and how he has found the transitions from hillwalker straight to winter climber. Definitely not your typical progression into climbing. Grab a cuppa and enjoy some tales from the hill, with Dan Arnold

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Episode 23: Iona Rendall - Ionas Adventures
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
This week on ScotRock, Robert got the chance to sit down with the Iona Rendall from the famous Ionas Adventures group. A busy nurse in Edinburgh, Iona has a huge passion for hillwalking and is doing everything she can to inspire others to discover the outdoors. The hugely popular Ionas Adventures facebook group has over 4,500 followers nation wide. Iona has inspired so many people to try hillwalking and fall in love with it for themselves, so she is definitely just the kind of inspiring person that needed to be on ScotRock.
Grab a cuppa a enjoy the chat with Iona Rendall

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Grab a cuppa and join us for an hour of live chat with Tiso ambassadors and mountaineering legends Iona Rendall, Mollie Hughes and Hamish Frost, hosted by Robert MacKenzie (ClimbScotland).
In association with Tiso, this is the first LIVE interview for the ScotRock podcast, and Robert will be chatting safety, ethics and the future of mountaineering. So tune in, listen to the legends and bring along with audience questions for the ScotRock stars.

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Episode 21: Hannah Smith - "How do you poo yourself when your climbing"
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
This week Robert got to sat down with the awesome Hannah Smith.
Hannah is a young competition climber who has made it all the way to the international stage competing for the GB Climbing Team. Hannahs experience and progress in the world of competition climbing give us a great peek behind the curtain of new age competitions, but also her insight into the challenges that female climbers face and how we keep improving our sport is inspiring. Please sit back and enjoy listening to the amazing words of Hannah Smith
Contacts: Instagram: @hannah._smith_ Twitter: @HannahSmith0104
Photo: Luke Howard

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Brace yourself for this one, we are back with another super on the edge chat!
This week Robert and Calum sit down with Rebekah Drummond and Robbie Phillips for a deep and controversial chat about some hot topics in the climbing world.Pineapple on Pizza?Should we be celebrating the bold?Should the first ascensionist be the one to give a star rating?Should we be traveling for climbing?Should we give encouragement when someone's climbing?We give our honest opinion and argue it out to put some of these topics to bed. If you have a strong opinion on any of these topics let us know. Robert@Mountaineering.scot & Calum@Mountaineering.scot

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Episode 19: Anna Wells - Dr Rocks and Trails
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
This week Robert gets a trip back memory lane with an old friend, Anna Wells.
Anna is a freshly qualified Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor that has had a very roller coastery journey to get here, that started with her becoming a Doctor. Yes Anna went from teenage crusher and followed a career path to becoming a junior doctor before gradually making her way into working in the mountains. Her struggles and how she broke free from the norm are an inspiration to everyone who knows her.
so sit back and be inspired by Anna Wells, Dr, MCI, IML
Photo: Anna Wells, Robert MacKenzie, Dylan MacKenzie, Aline Kirkland

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Episode 18: The Road Trip
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Robert and Calum discuss climbing in 2020 and how many of you have had a pretty good climbing year, despite how rubbish the rest of the year has been.
We share long car journeys together a lot, and during those journeys we talk a whole heap of crap. So our latest idea is record these ramblings and release them as mini episodes in between the main events. Enjoy.