
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Episode 33: Lanah Dunsmuir - The Professional Downclimber
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
I've often get told I need professional help, so here we go...
Yes today I am joined by Mental Health Professional Lanah Dunsmuir.
Like all climbers she has gone through the rollercoaster mental gymnastics but all condensed into a fair shot period of time. Something she has battled with, but with her experience and skills as a mental health nurse she is coming out the other side a much better, and happier climber.
This episode is going to come as a two parter. Lanah wants a chance to tell her story but also recognises that many of us struggle with the same anxieties so she is also putting together an episode two, to give some helpful advice on how to manage the stresses we face as best as possible.
So sit back and enjoy the chat with Lanah and if empathise with her journey a little and want some guidance, then check out Episode 2 soon.

Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Better late then never eh!
Back once again with Robbie Phillips and Rebekah Drummond for our 3rd Controversial Panel show
This time we get deep and philosophical as we discuss
Short exciting video clips on social media and the impact these have on the sport.
If there's a hypocrisy in climbers advocating for protection of landscapes and climbing areas, while still wanting thew freedom to climb there unhindered?
What makes a good climbing coach and can these skills really be assessed?
Tune in, prepare to get fired up and if you have a strong opinion, let us know!

Friday Nov 25, 2022
Episode 31: Kirsty Pallas - ”I’m immune to Hot Aches”
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
This month we are joined by the wonderful Kirsty Pallas. New to the Mountaineering Scotland team she couldn't escape an interview.
Kirsty is one of the fresh faces coming up through the instructor qualifications, with her sights set firmly on getting her Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor award by the time she's 30. She's fast tracked herself through working in the industry with pure passion and hard graft.
In this episode we get to know a bit about Kirsty before diving into some ethical debates and the gender balance in the professional side of our sport.
So grab a cuppa, and enjoy a chat with Kirsty Pallas.

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Episode 30: Jamie White - Climb Free
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Real feel good episode for you all this month, as Robert hides away in a dark cupboard with one of the nicest guys in climbing.
Jamie White started ClimbFree a 'small' non-profit social enterprise down in Sussex to help who’s aim is to help those with poor mental health climb back to mental fitness. Following his own personal experience and using climbing as a tool to help himself heal, he started ClimbFree to try and help others on a path back to mental wellness. Over the first 10 months they have seen over 350 people try climbing as a mental health tool.
Jamies story and his journey to helping others is a roller coaster that will restore your faith that there are genuine good people in this world. So strap in and enjoy the chat, with Jamie White.

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
This episode is a little different, a little special, but big cool
At the start of this month the Edinburugh International Climbing Arena hosted its first IFSC World Cup in event in 5 years
We had a huge team from GB Climbing up there crushing as they do. That team included 6 Scottish Athletes, competing on their home wall, in front of friends, family and an army of young climbers from across Scotland. A proper inspirational event it was.
Before the competition though I caught up with our athletes to get a feel for the psych they had for the event. I then managed to catch them all after to get the low down on how it went and how much fun they had. So this episode is a bit of a collection of short interviews with some Scotlands strongest athletes in the heat of battle.

Friday Aug 26, 2022
Episode 28: Kev Shields - The Croc Lover
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Diving deep into the pool of Scottish climbing heroes for this one!
Yes, we sat down with one of Scotlands greats, the well loved Kevin Shields.
Kev is one of the greatest all rounders Scotland has ever produced, and his determination mixed with his idea of acceptable risk has led him to accomplishing things way beyond what anyone could have expected. Born with one hand, he has established some of Scotlands hardest trad routes, soloed some of Scotlands hardest and scariest lines and expertly give the middle finger to anyone who's ever said he couldn't.
Kevs life and climbing career are nothing short of inspiring, and he ain't done yet! So grab drink and get ready to giggle with the hilarious legend, Kev Shields!

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Karishma Rogerson is an awesome instructor/ route setter with one hell of a backstory!When Karishma told me her story I was in awe. I knew that this was a story worth sharing on the podcast. She has an amazing origin story long before she got into climbing, but this has brought her from the Seychelles to Scotland and on to becoming one of the coolest and most psyched instructors I've worked with. So cool, worth baring with the poor audio, so sit back and enjoy hearing from, Karishma Rogerson.

Friday Jun 24, 2022
Episode 26: Matt Meyerhoff - So I built a climbing wall.. by myself!
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Every climber has at some point on their journey thought about building their own wall. For most, this is just a passing notion and they realise what a ridiculous idea it is. Some some however this dream became a reality during the Covid lockdowns as everyone built their own little home board. Their own 3x3m sanctuary.
But that just wasn't enough for Matt. Matt went mad. Matt built a 600m2 bouldering wall, in a shopping centre, during the lockdowns... by himself! Legend!
I actually recorded the interview 8 months ago, so its a little dated but I hope you enjoy hearing about Matts crazy journey here on ScotRock.